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Jerry Huang | "Order By Ranking DESC" Became Order By Ranking ASC"?? Breaking news?

Jerry Huang apps and developing apps

"Order By Ranking DESC" Became Order By Ranking ASC"?? Breaking news?

10. May 2013 21:32 by Jerry in Windows Phone, Windows Phone Development

If you are from US or your Live Id's country setting configured as US, you will notice that something is seriously wrong on the Windows Phone store (marketplace) about ranking: The display order of "Top" apps in all categories (except the "All" one) seem reversed on this morning. Please have a look at the photos I just took: 



This problem apply to the web market as well:



As you could see, most of the "top" apps do not have or have very few review and rating. I hope Microsoft could resolve this as soon as possible. Yesterday my IP CAM Controller was ranking at the top 11 position in the "Music + Video" category.