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Modalità sensore: muovi il telefono e muovi la telecamera (PTZ)

5. September 2014 23:04 by BBSYSTEM.IT in Android, IP CAM, Windows Phone, Windows Store

Una Nuova interessante maniera per controllare la tua telecamera è stata introdotta in una delle ultime versioni: modalità sensore. Dopo aver attivato la funzione la telecamera potrà essere mossa tramite l'accelerometro presente nel tuo device!

Cliccando sul pulsante "direzione" per attivare il sensore, tenendo il tuo device orizzontale, quando orienterai il telefono da una certa parte la telecamera ti seguirà in quella direzione. Il video precedente fa vedere il funzionamento su WP8, questa nuova funzione lavorerà nella stessa maniera anche in altre piattaforme (Android, WinRT). Su Android, per attivarla, cliccare sull'icona della bussola, come mostrato nella figura:


Questo è interessante e può essere esteso a molte possibilità... Immagina per esempio di posizionare il tuo telefono su qualcosa in continuo movimento e quindi attivare una specie di movimento di ronda automatica alla tua telecamera. Un altro esempio, su una macchina telecomandata, puoi a sua volta muovere una telecamera PTZ .. :-)


Esporta/importa su Android con la versione 1.8

5. September 2014 22:38 by BBSYSTEM.IT in Android, IP CAM

Prima dell'aggiornamento di oggi (IP CAM Controller Android v1.8) se avessi voluto effettuare il backup delle tue telecamere, l'unica opzione era di utilizzare la funzione di condivisione tramite un hyper link virtuale una per una. La bella notizia è che adesso potrai effettuare il backup di tutte le telecamere in un sol colpo. Ti mostro come funziona:


 Passaggio 1, seleziona"esporta Camera" dal menù

Ci sarà un messaggio di attenzione, seleziona OK (se sei d'accordo :-))


Passaggio 2. Ti mostrerà una lista di applicazioni abilitate ad inviare il tuo backup, in questo caso, utilizzerò Gmail.

Dopo questo, si tratterà di comporre una classica mail (con Gmail ovvviamente), perfavore notare che tutte le telecamere esportate sono all'interno di un hyper link criptato (alla fine della mail), proprio come un file allegato in formato testo. E' per questo che devi fare attenzione a chi manderai la mail, perchè chiunque abbia il file e la mia app installata sarà in grado di accedere alle tue telecamere!


Passaggio 3: Importare il backup. Aprire la mail, potrai sia scegliere il link nella mail, oppure scaricare il file allegato (per Android versione 4 solamente), il tuo device dovrebbe chiederti come completare l'azione.

Proprio così:

Scegli IP CAM Controller, l'applicazione aprirà un messaggio che ti avvertirà che alla scelta di questo tutte le telecamere esistenti verranno cancellate


Ecco fatto. Le telecamere da un device Android potranno essere trasferite ad un altro! 

Export/Import comes to Android in v1.8

30. August 2014 19:55 by Jerry in Android, IP CAM

Before today's update (IP CAM Controller Android v1.8) if you want to back-up your camera, the only option is to use share function to share your camera via a virtual hyper link one by one. The good news is that now you can backup your camera in the same way but this time you can export all cameras. Let's see how it works.


 Step 1, select "Export Cameras" from menu

There will be a warning after that, tap OK (if you are ok:))


Step 2. Then it will show up a list of apps that able to send your backup, in this case, I'm going to go with Gmail

After that, it just like composing an ordinary email (with Gmail of course), please note that the exported cameras are inside an encrypted hyper link (at the end of the email),as well as a file attachment with your setting in plain text. And that's why you have to be caution whom the email is sending to - because whoever have the file and installed my app will be able to access to your cameras.


Step 3: Import. Open up the email, you can either tap on the link in the email or download the file attachment (for Android 4 users only), your phone should be asking how to complete the action.

Just like this:

 Tap IP CAM Controller, my app will promote a warning to ask whether you would like to proceed, as this will clear out all your existing (if any) cameras.


That's it. Cameras from one phone could be transferring to another Android device just like that:)

Translation to Italian - Supporto H.264 e ricerca tester per Foscam

17. September 2013 21:18 by BBSYSTEM.IT in Android, IP CAM

Aggiornamento: il periodo di test è completato, adesso tutti potranno scaricare la versione 1.6 con supporto video HD dal Play Store.

La prossimi versione Android di IP CAM Controller sarà equipaggiata con motore H264, in altre parole, saremo in grado di avere video in HD se la tua telecamera supporta formato H.264.

E' attualmente in test finale e per questo vorrei invitare alcuni utilizzatori di telecamere Foscam a testare lo streaming HD nel loro smartphone Android. Se la tua telecamera è una serie foscam H.264 come 9820W, 9821W, 8608W, etc, prego clicca sul link che segue per chiedermi una beta. http://www.jerryhuang.net/contact.aspx

Per scaricare la versione beta, si prega di fornire anche il tuo account Google nel messaggio che stai per inviarmi. 

Attualmente mi sto concentrando su Foscam serie H.264, se avete altri tipi di telecamera, potete contattarmi per vedere se possibile aggiungerle, ma vi prego di notare che sarà necessario accedere alla vostra telecamera in funzione, quindi prima di contattarmi, consiglio di puntarla verso un muro o mettere un grande libro davanti alla telecamera, se la violazione della privacy vi preoccupa.

Ecco un'anteprima della app, se la tua telecamera supporta H264, un nuovo pulsante sarà visibile vicino al pulsante dell'audio: 


tradotto da BBSYSTEM.IT

Thank you German!

2. September 2013 15:42 by Jerry in Android, IP CAM, Windows Phone

US has been the biggest market in basically all major app stores (i.e. Apple, Google and Microsoft's WP market). And so naturally US is the top country in download number of my app on WP market(it still isWink); it was the same for Android. But recently it had been exceeded by German! What a surprise!

The downloads from German started to grow dramatically right after we released the Germany language support in the app. Along with the increment in number, positive reviews are also growing. I'm so much grateful! I wish I could even write this blog in Germany but unfortunately I can'tFrown. Anyhow, for all people from German, please accept my sincere appreciation, THANK YOU!! And, a special thank-you goes to Pascal Künzli who was the voluntary translator. It has been totally a pleasure to work with himLaughing



Another great news is about Windows Phone:) Since September 1, IP CAM Controller for WP8 had been selected to feature in Brazil, Spain and ItalyCoolTongue OutLet's see one of the emails



And it's going to be 2 days on Italy market from Sept 3 to 4, credit goes to Andrea Busato from BBSystem.it, who is our Italian translatorKiss for both Android and WP

Android preview: H.264 support and foscam testers wanted

26. August 2013 11:52 by Jerry in Android, IP CAM

Update: the testing had completed, now every one could download the v1.6 with HD video support from Google Play

The next Android version of IP CAM Controller will be equipped with a H.264 engine, in other word, we are able to get HD video working if your camera support H.264.

This is now in final testing and so I would like to invite some foscam camera owners to test the HD streaming on your Android phone. If your camera is a foscam H.264 series such as 9820W, 9821W, 8608W, etc, please click following link to ask for a beta:


In order to download the beta, please also provide your Google Account in the message you're going to send me.


Currently I'm focusing on foscam H.264 series, however if you have other type of camera, you can contact me to see if possible to add your camera as well, but please note I will need to access to your camera to work that out, so before contacting me, I will recommend you turn your camera toward a wall or put a large book in front of your camera if privacy concerns you.


Here is a preview of the app, if your camera's H.264 is supported by the app, a new HD button will show up next to the audio button:


Tap the icon to switch between HD and standard streaming

Audio support for more cameras

7. May 2013 14:07 by Jerry in Android, IP CAM

As promised, we are aggressively working on audio support for more cameras. In the Android release of v1.4.1, audio is available for Toshiba IK-WP series (such as IK-WP41A) and some new Foscam H264 series (FI8602W, FI8608W, FI8620, FI9820W). 

Together with audio, we also released some customized advance functions for these camera, such as saving/editing preset positions, extra patrol (for Toshiba). Download the app now from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zexu.ipcamera&hl=en

BTW, German is supported from this versionCool

Finally, audio support is here, but Android only:(

21. April 2013 22:16 by Jerry in Android, IP CAM

Update: 1 way audio support for selected cameras is now on both Android and WP8, for detailed tested list, please click here


I'm very glad to announce that Android IP CAM Controller now has the ability for audio support, although I have to emphasize that this is just a start point, as at the moment just Panasonic camera is supported (because I own one PanasonicLaughing).


In the single view screen, if audio support is available for your camera, you will notice that a new speaker button and a few new menu items. Tap on the speaker icon, 1 way audio should start working. Others functions inside the menu are straightforward and camera specific, in other word, some cameras have more options while some have lesser. These are so-called "Advanced Features" in the app. As they (especially audio) took a lot of time and efforts from me and other joint developers, we have decided charge a small sum of extra money in order to fully use themEmbarassed. However, free trial is available before purchase so that you can see if they are really working for your camera. In case it doesn't work I would suggest contact me before actually buying it (of course!Laughing)

Next step we are intended to get more cameras supported and maybe 2 way audio as well. Sorry for Windows Phone users (that include meCry too), due to the fact that so many restrictions on the phone (and on developers), audio is yet to come...

IP CAM Controller is now in Japanese!

27. March 2013 15:04 by Jerry in Android, IP CAM

Thanks to our lovely Japanese translator - Xu Zewei - a handsome Chinese student (BTW he's single at the momentLaughing) who is studying in Japan, the latest Android IP CAM Controller has support for Japanese!

Check out on the Japan GP page:


In addition to Japanese support, this version align with WP version (as promised:)) - Changing PTZ behavior from "double tapping" to "auto stop moving" for those "keep moving" style cameras, such as: Foscam, EasyN, Tenvis, Sony, Bosch, X10.


IP CAM Controller tutorial (Android): how to set up my camera

31. January 2013 14:08 by Jerry in Android, IP CAM

Add your first camera

Launching the app at the first time, it will automatically navigate to create new camera screen.

1) Choose a camera type most close to your IP Camera; sometimes you need to try all types of your brand, e.g. Foscam user is suggested to test each Foscam type in the app in order to find out which one work the best for you.

2) Type in a camera name you like.

3) If your camera is a DVR, you may need to input a camera no which is normally corresponding to stream no, channel no etc.

4) Hostname or IP address of your camera. In order to access your camera over the internet (e.g. a 3G network), you must use internet IP address, but not internal address like 192.168.1.x. This kind of address only work at home when you are connected to home WiFi.

5) The port no where your camera is hosted on. If your camera is behind a WiFi router, you will probably need to configure port forwarding on your router.

6) Type in username and password of your camera (not the router) and choose the quality and image resolution.

7) Tap the "save" button at the bottom of this screen.

Add more cameras

Tap the "+" icon to add another camera

Then you will enter the camera setup screen again, just do the same as you set up the first camera, and don't forget to tap the "save" button to save it.

Edit/Delete a camera

There is a menu icon on the right upper corner of each camera in main screen, tap on that and select "Edit Camera" to edit the camera; or "Remove Camera" to delete a camera.

There are some other options in this menu:

  • delete the selected camera
  • edit the camera
  • refresh the snapshot
    snapshot is not supported for all cameras, in case it's not supported for your camera, it will display the default camera icon
  • share camera access with friends and family. The app will generate an encrypted hyper link which you could send it to friends via SMS, email etc. The person who receive the link could open IP CAM Controller and view your camera instantly. This is extremely helpful when your friend has difficulty to set up the camera. Click here for more info about sharing. 


 The grouping (or multi-view) icon will appear when you have more than 1 cameras, tap on that to add a new camera group

Editing a grouping is straightforward as below screenshot shows: