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Jerry Huang | Contact

Jerry Huang apps and developing apps


I'll answer the mail as soon as I can. However, if you don't hear back from me in 48 hours, you may come back and drop me a note again, while this time please also carefully type in your email address as it might be wrong at the first time which could be the reason I can't get back to you.

If you are reporting an issue about IP CAM Controller, please kindly provide basic info such as device type (iPhone 6s/Android 4.4/WP8/WP8.1/Win10 desktop etc), camera brand/model, and what camera type you selected in the app.

I can only read English and Chinese, please do not use language other than that, thanks:)

If you want to attach file, please only attach image, otherwise the mail might be blocked.

For IP CAM Controller users, strongly recommend to go over the FAQs in case you haven't. Your answer might be just there.