7. October 2015 11:04 by Jerry in
IP CAM Controller is now supporting Windows 10:) To indicate this is a major update, the version no bumps up to v10.x.x, by following the example of Microsoft.
By using the latest technologies (UWP), the app now provides universal experience for phone, tablet and desktop, the only major difference would be just screen size, the rest should look and feel and work as the same among platforms, devices. Microsoft is finally taking us to the next level: write once and debug every where
Another reason I like about the new SDK is that a lot of open source components start to be available on UWP, such as OpenSSL, FFMPEG. By taking advantage of that, the new IP CAM Controller is finally able to support H.264 which is a streaming protocol support by most newly made IP cameras. In the app, you will see a "HD" button in the control panel if your camera has support for H.264.
I wouldn't say I'm proud but by looking back the past few years, I started the app with Windows Phone 7, for a series of very simple but interesting reasons - my first son born; I brought my first IP camera; I was using a pocket PC runs Windows Mobile 6/6.5 with an app that support "click to center" (I think the name should be ViewCommander); then I switched to WP7 and there is no app at the time that support tap-to-center, I decided to make my own. And then users (yes, you!) started to ask for new features, support new cameras and even new platforms. After breaking through milestones like audio, android, H.264, iOS, look at where we are now:)
A list of milestones:
- v10 for Universal Windows Platforms, i.e. Windows 10 desktop, mobile, tablet
- v1.x for Windows 8.1 desktop and tablet
- v3.x for Windows Phone 8 and 8.1
- v2.x for Windows Phone 7 (discontinued)
Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sam (linkedin) and Zexu (linkedin) who I work with on other platforms.