We The Drivers is an app to facilitate Uber drivers to keep track of any surge in the region. It largely increases your income while drive less when you driving with Uber.
Main features in current release
- Press on the map to save a location to keep monitoring in specific interval;
- Can view latest surge information of your saved locations in a map or a list;
- Provide dark and light themes for day and night mode, or simply select "Auto" the app will determinate according your local sunrise and sunset times - just like the Uber driver app;
- Keep you informed the highest surge and the surge nearby via push notifications
An Uber account is required in order to get information from Uber. However you don't need to use a driver account, rider account is fine.
If you encounter any problem with the app, please use the "Contact" (or click here) to get help.
Available from iOS and Android app stores
Video demo